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Guardians of origin – Episode 00:

Since the beginning of time, those who seek great power
Have tried to harness the one thing that controls all…
1 Oracle
3 Goddesses
55 Spiritual guardians
The origin of power has been unleashed
And the protection of time has just begun.

Opening Theme – “Meteor” by T.M Revolution

*Shows a beautiful blue, dark green and reddish-brown planet with golden colored clouds* *in text at the bottom of the screen*

Constellation: Draco; Planet: Dracerious (pronounced: Dra-serious); Year: 2573

*Text fades and it quickly zooms in on the planet, going though the clouds, etc to get to the planet’s surface, and then straightens out, going horizontally across the planet, which is at night, as it goes by you catch glimpses of dragons on the planet. Then it comes to a cave and slows down, slowly showing inside. Two figures are walking though the cave; one is holding a high-tech version of a lamp. There’s a bunch of Quartz and other beautiful crystals and gems lining the cave walls*

Caden: (Who’s holding the lamp-thing)(Refer to pic for Caden): ...uh... Darigaaz... you sure we should be doing this? ... The elder told everyone not to enter the cave ... especially after dark... It’s forbidden... *looking around at all the shadows cast by the lamps light against the crystals* ... and creepy...

Darigaaz: (Refer to pic for Darigaaz) *walking, eyes closed* ... that’s why it’s called the forbidden cave’ Genius... besides, you were the one who said *in mocking tone* ‘let’s go do something fun, like explore some forbidden area or something’ *normal voice* ... so I did what you said...

Caden: *sighs heavily* ... yeah... but I didn’t think you’d actually take me seriously...

*Some of the crystals on the ceiling of the cave start shaking slightly, but they don’t notice*

Darigaaz: ... yeah well that’s what you get when you -AH! *The ground below him suddenly caves in, bringing him down though a hole in the ground*

Caden: Darigaaz!!! *tries to grab his hand, but it’s too late* DARIGAAZ!!!

*shows the hole from above, then slowly zooms in, then fades to Darigaaz at the bottom of where the hole dropped him, he sits up rubbing his head*

Darigaaz: Ow... damn, that hurt... *groans and stands up, looks up to where fell from, just a little bit of light coming down from there*.Caden!... Caden!!! ... *no response* ... Great... I’m too far down for him to hear me... hmm... *looks around* Well... I better start finding a way out of here... *takes a few steps into the darkness, then a sudden flash of light appears blinding him*

Darigaaz: Argg…*eyes slit and he quickly covers his eyes with his arm to shield them from the light. The light dims a bit, revealing a small hidden shrine, covered with symbols and unknown lettering, on top of it(and covering most of it) is a dragon, with its’ head hanging over the front, it’s eyes opened and glowing red, Jaws open, like it’s defending the shrine, even though it’s only made of stone*

Darigaaz: *puts arm down and looks at it in awe*... what in the world? *goes up to it and reaches out it touch it* It looks so... ancient... *he touches it and suddenly all the symbols on the shrine light up and a dragon-like growl emits from it and Darigaaz quickly pulls his hand back*

Darigaaz: Ah! *takes a step back, looking shocked as the dragon suddenly comes to life, lifting its head, closing its jaws and closing its eyes, then goes still* ...what the...? *the shrine doors slowly open revealing a crystal on a chain hanging on an ancient display stand in the back of the shrine*

Darigaaz: ...whoa... *takes a few cautious steps forward into the shrine* ...what is that...? *reaches out and touches it, it lights up and suddenly everything starts shaking*  Ah! ...Oh great... an earthquake! And I’m stuck down here... *unconsciously takes the crystal in his hands and quickly gets out of the shrine, and stops dead in his tracks when he sees that the cave is quickly filling up with water*

Darigaaz: ... *growls* ... there’s no way out... *looks up as a bunch of the crystals on the ceiling fall down* Ah! *jumps to the side as they crash to the ground* ...damn... that was close... *looks around* ...well if I don’t drown first... I’ll  get crushed by falling objects instead... *crystal in his hand lights up* huh...? *looks at it* ...of course... that strange crystal... *holds it by the chain and looks at it* ...maybe it can help me... *the crystal lights up again, revealing in the center a dragon spirit* a... dragon...? *water hits his leg*

Darigaaz: Ah... great... *puts the chain around his neck so the crystal is hanging like a necklace* ...if this... thing can do anything... it better do it quick... *the crystal lights up and an echoic male voice comes from it*

Dragon: ...Spirit Metamorphosis...

Darigaaz: ...what...? ...Spirit... Metamorphosis...? *the crystal suddenly comes to life and glows blue* whoa... what’s... what’s going on?!

COMMERCIAL – eye catch Darigaaz/Darigaaz

*transformation sequences starts, and the background goes black, then blue cracks go through it and it shatters like glass, the crystal glows brighter and releases a large stream of smoke-like mist, which starts to go around him. The beginning of the mist stream forms into a dragon’s head and roars, sending the mist away, revealing a real dragon’s head. Then the rest of the dragon spirit’s body appears from the mist (claws, tail, and massive wings) it roars, flaps its wings once, circling Darigaaz, and shoots up in the air above him, the dragon’s body glows and starts to dissolve, falling down like rain onto Darigaaz’s body. As it hits him it forms the armour on his body, shoulders and legs, then the claws, tail and wings fall down to him and fuse with his body, giving him his sharp claws, powerful tail and massive wings, then the dragon’s head falls, opening its jaws and closes them over his head, and the eyes light up for a second, completing the transformation*

*comes back to the real world, showing Darigaaz, now fully transformed and looking at his body in amazement*

Darigaaz (transformed): ...what... what in the world happened to me? *the cave starts shaking violently again* *growls, sounding dragon-like* ...damn it, I’ll just figure it out later- I have to get out of here now! *spreads wings and flies straight up*

*shows outside the cave, where Caden is running back to the opening of the cave, followed by a small group of people*

Caden: Hurry! Darigaaz might be in trouble! Hurry Elder Kyran! *Kyran is following him, leading the small group of people (Refer to pic for Kyran)

Elder Kyran: ... *eyes shimmer and he stops, causing the others to stop as well* ...he is better off than you believe... watch...

Caden: *stops, looking back at the Elder*  ...but... how...? *a sudden explosion is heard, causing everyone to look up at the cave*

*the top of the cave explodes and through the dust and smoke, Darigaaz in Dragon Spirit mode comes shooting out, stopping in the air so he’s like a silhouette against the moon and spreads his wings wide*

Elder Kyran: ... *thinks: ...after five thousand years... the Dragon has finally chosen his master...* ... *smiles* ...see, Caden? He’s perfectly fine... *thinks: too bad it’s far too late to do us any good... but at least now... there’s still hope*

Darigaaz (transformed): *glides down to where the others are and lands, folding his wings back. His body glows and he turns back to normal, the spirit returns to the crystal* *he falls to one knee, all worn out*

Caden: *inches toward him cautiously* D-D-Darigaaz...? Is that you...? *everyone leans in to see him better*

Darigaaz: *slowly lifts his head to look at them, looking confused and tired* ...yeah...? Who else do you think I could be? *raises and eyebrow*  *everyone’s faces light up*

Caden: Darigaaz! *smiles with ^^ face* *helps him up* How’d you do that?!

Darigaaz: I... I... don’t know... *looks at the ground* *you hear a young girl’s voice call ‘Darigaaz’ from the crowd and he looks up*

Elder Kyran: *thinks as a girl pushes through the crowd: ...the fool doesn’t even know what happened...*smiles* well... I have tomorrow to explain everything...*

Miracle: (Refer to pic for miracle) *the little girl who spoke runs out of the crowd to get to Darigaaz and clings to his leg* you’re ok! *^^ face*

Darigaaz: *pats her head* Of course I’m fine *^^ face* It’s your big brother you’re talking about. Now let go, we need to go home. *tries pulling leg away, sweatdropping*

Miracle: *giggles* ok! *^^ face* *lets go and runs ahead as the rest of the crowd leaves for home as well*

Caden: *laughs* mocking tone* “It’s your big brother you’re talking about” *laughs more, normal voice* yeah, the big brother who’s totally reckless and accident-prone. *suddenly falls, tripping over a tree root* ...ow... *Darigaaz opens his mouth to say something* *glares* ...don’t say a word...

Darigaaz: *shakes his head, smirking* Miracle deserves some reassurance... you on the other hand...

Elder Kyran: *walks up to him* Darigaaz...

Darigaaz: hmm? *turns to him and bows* yes, Elder Kyran? *thinks: great... I’m in for it now...* *closes eyes tightly*

Elder Kyran: I’d like to speak with you first thing tomorrow morning and the Temple of Origin regarding that Core Crystal.

Darigaaz: Core... Crystal? *stands up straight from bowing, looking confused*

Elder Kyran: *nods* That crystal you now have is one of many... I’ll explain it to you tomorrow morning. Until then, get some rest... *walks away towards to village*

Darigaaz: *looks at Caden, worried*

Caden: hmm... somehow... I don’t think that’s a good thing...

COMMERCIAL – eye catch Darigaaz transformed/ Darigaaz transformed

*shows the sky, which is just becoming morning* *fades to Darigaaz’s room*

Darigaaz: *still asleep, sleeping on his side, facing the wall. He doesn’t have a shirt on, but he does still have the Core Crystal around his neck* *there’s a knock at him door, but he doesn’t wake up*

(Authors Note: O.O *drool*...shirtless Darigaaz...*melts*)

Rohn: *opens the door and walks in* Darigaaz- WAKE UP!

Darigaaz: *snaps awake and sits up, surprised, them mumbles, all irritated, and gets up* ok, ok Rohn... I heard you... I know, I have to go meet the Elder...

Rohn: that’s Master Rohn to you, and hurry up or you’ll be late.

Darigaaz: *looks at their version of a clock, sweatdrops* *-.- face* it’s 5 a.m...

Rohn: *smirks* I know, so hurry up! *leaves*

Darigaaz: *sighs* man... having Rohn as a mentor is like having a drill sergeant...

Rohn: *from outside the door* I heard that. *Darigaaz cringes* and I’ll remember that for your next training session.

Darigaaz: hehe... great... *^^; face and puts on his shirt and jacket* *shows outside where Rohn went to wait, Darigaaz, hanging his head a bit, tired.* *a large-dog-sized dragon comes up to him, growling happily* Hey Drake *^^ face* Sorry, I can’t play now, I’m busy. Go hunting or something *Dragon growls and nods, opening his wings and takes off* *turns back to Rohn* ok... let’s go...

*shows the Elder in a temple with strange markings, etc. covering the wall and the ceiling. In the middle of a platform is a palm sized orb that looks almost like a crystal  ball, inside of which is all ‘space-like’* *Rohn and Darigaaz walk up to him*

Darigaaz: Elder? You wanted to speak with me?

Elder Kyran: Yes. Rohn, please leave us, this is for Darigaaz’s ears alone.

Rohn: *bows* As you wish, Elder Kyran. *gives Darigaaz a reassuring smile and leaves*

Darigaaz: *watches him leave, turns to Elder Kyran* Elder...?

Elder Kyran: Darigaaz, please stop calling me that. I am only called Elder because I have lived for over five thousand years. *walks over to the stand, next to the orb* and it is because of this... *shows a close-up of the orb, then back to them* this... is the Oracle of Time. The reason I called you here today... was because my time is growing short. My time will soon come to an end... and so will the time of countless others, if the Shokujin and not stopped. *a quick flashback shows dark figures slicing the heads off their victims, then shows Mortalvis, all shadowed over, eyes glowing red(Refer to pic for Mortalvis), then returns to normal*

Darigaaz: what do you mean...? We’ve been at war with the Shokujin for years... and we’re winning the war! Elder... I...

Elder Kyran: call me Kyran, Darigaaz, not Elder. I tire of that title... and the war is coming to an end... but not in our favour. I had foreseen it, which is why I am sending you on a mission...

Darigaaz: *eyes widen* ...what? me? Why?

Elder Kyran: You have been chosen by the Dragon Guardian, just one of 55 different animal spirits. The mission I’m sending you on will not only save us, it will save countless of billions across time and space. I want you to find the remaining 54 Crystals and their destined partners... they are scattered across the universe... *looks up at the symbols and picture on the temple ceiling, the pictures show 55 different animals, with the 12 zodiac symbols overlapping their respective animal, and three time frames, each with a woman at the bottom, in the centre of the ceiling is the Oracle of Time* They are all there... *gestures towards the ceiling*

Darigaaz: *looks up* but... how can I recover them if they’re in different times? And it would take forever just to go from planet to planet to search in this time alone...

Elder Kyran: *smiles* that is why you are taking the Oracle of Time with you.

Darigaaz: ...what? But Elder- I mean, Kyran...

Elder Kyran: The Oracle can travel through time and can teleport to any given planet in the universe in the blink of an eye. It can also pinpoint the location of a Core Crystal anywhere in time and space. It’s also the reason I have lived so long... I was the one who found it 5000 years ago. *shows a flashback of Kyran while he was young, looking the same age as he is now, Just with black hair, finding the Oracle in a cave* The oracle gave me the power to foretell the future and live long enough to see the Dragon spirit rise again and to send you off with this task. Take it with you... the moment a Core Crystal is active, the Oracle will sense it and take you there. Please... evil forces like the Shokujin will try to obtain the powers of the other crystals... I fear we are already too late to save some of them. As well, you cannot let the Oracle of Time fall into their hands... it they get it, they will be able to travel anywhere and to any time they wish. They could destroy an entire race before they even begin to evolve. The oracle has been safe here for the past 5000 years, do not let it fall into evil hands... *picks up the Oracle of Time and hands it to Darigaaz* According to the Oracle, this is the “future” in regards to how it was formed... the Oracle, as well as the 55 Core Crystals, were all formed on a planet known as Earth. I suggest you begin there, in their “present time”- 568 years in the past.

Darigaaz: *looks at the Oracle in his hands* *nods* Alright. I’ll do my best. *looks outside* But... what about...

Elder Kyran: *cuts him off* I will inform your friends and family... as well as your parents once they return.

Darigaaz: *pauses, then nods* Alright... Thank you...

Elder Kyran: *nods* Use your Core Crystal to defend yourself against enemies who will try to detour you from this mission. All you have to do is say “Spirit Metamorphosis” and you will be transformed and gain the powers of the Dragon. The Dragon can also fly through space, so there is no need to worry about that, either. Now, quickly, enough time has been wasted. You must leave immediately.

Darigaaz: what...? Now?! *looks back at Kyran*

Elder Kyran: *nods* Yes... I have foreseen a catastrophe... and if you do not leave now, the mission will have already failed.

Darigaaz: *looks at the ground* ...what kind of catastrophe...?

Elder Kyran: If you don’t leave now, you’ll see it for yourself... now go!

Darigaaz: ...hmm... *nods* *puts the Oracle in a side pouch around his waist and looks at the Core Crystal* ...Spirit Metamorphosis! *transformation sequence*

Elder Kyran: Good luck... my son... *thinks: though I fear you will still see the great catastrophe... and it will change your life forever...*

Darigaaz (transformed): *takes off into the sky, stops in the air when he sees Caden, Miracle and Rohn calling for him*

Rohn: the Elder told us you’re leaving... he told us everything...

Miracle: come back soon, ok? *sniffs sadly*

Caden: good luck, my friend... *smirks* Just don’t get yourself killed! *^^ face*

Rohn: *smiles* yes... I want us all to be together in the end... farewell! *all three waves to Darigaaz*

Darigaaz (transformed): *nods* I’ll return as soon as I can. Just don’t get yourself killed while I’m away. *smirks and flies off* *suddenly an explosion erupts from a bomb near the village* what the...? *stops again*

Elder Kyran: *from the temple* Darigaaz! You must leave now! The Shokujin are attacking! Do not worry, we can handle ourselves- it is you who must flee!

Darigaaz: but... they’re- *gets cut off*

Elder Kyran: Do not argue with me, Darigaaz! Leave now!

Darigaaz: *hesitates, then turns and quickly takes off as more explosions happen, he watches Caden and the other take cover and Darigaaz’s parents appear, who just returned from a different town* Mom... Dad... *eyes shadow over* *he growls and flaps his wings, leaving the atmosphere of the planet and getting a good distance away. He sees hundreds of Shokujin ships everywhere, surrounding the planet* Oh my God... *stops and stares at the fleet, seeing larger explosions down on his planet* I... I have to do something! *growls* I’m going back, I don’t care what the Elder said- they’re all going to die if I don’t! *folds his wings and dived toward the planet, but he only dives about ten feet when the entire planet explodes, sending him flying back* Ah!!!!! *the dust settles, revealing the remains of the planet*

End Theme – Sayonara Solitia from Chrno Crusade – begins

Darigaaz (transformed): *stares in silence at where his planet just was* no... *roars/screams:* NO!!!!!! *the sparkles of a tear float away from him*

End Theme plays louder

Narrator: This was only the beginning... in episode one: Fallen Dragon... the battle will truly begin...

OK!!! I've FINALLY posted the preview/ep 00 thingy!!!! ^-^ I am SO sorry it's taken so long to post, I finally gave up on trying to get the ref pic for Darigaaz's transformed state done for now @.@ It was being a jerk....It does NOT want to be drawn...I swear...

ANYWAYS! Thank you for being so patient! ^-^ *bows* This is kinda like the thing that kick starts the whole series, like, the background of everything @.@ Here are the ref pics for people who appear in this ep:


Darigaaz: (main character ^-^) ~~~>[link]

Transformed state: (will put up proper one, but for now, look at THIS to get an idea, ok? ^-^0 sorry about that...) ~~~>[link]

Caden: ~~~>[link]

Elder Kyran: ~~~>[link]

Rohn: ~~~>[link]

Miracle: ~~~>[link]

Mortalvis: (shows up for like, a second - this is so you have an idea of what he looks like ^-^0) ~~~>[link]

OK! other than that, I hope you enjoy the ep!!!! ^-^

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kcraw12's avatar
D: his planet?! Does it come back? :(